Workboats | Svanen
Patient Pursuit

Price: 1.650.000 + VAT (if applicable)
Dive boat 9.95 X 4.90m, from South Boats, with large aft deck. Prepared for up to 8 divers, two opposite benches with space for diving equipment. Cargo capacity on deck is about 1 tonne. Toilet.
Catamaran hull with two FPT main engines of a total of 388 kW.
Wheelhouse with small galley and seating for approx. 8 pers.
Svanen can be inspected at Säbyviken's marina outside Stockholm.
Catamaran hull with two FPT main engines of a total of 388 kW.
Wheelhouse with small galley and seating for approx. 8 pers.
Svanen can be inspected at Säbyviken's marina outside Stockholm.
- (flagStat) Flag state: SE, Sweden
- (klassningsSallskap) Classification: Transportstyrelsen - Swedish Transport Agency
- (storstaLangd) LOA: 9.95 metres
- (storstaBredd) Beam: 4.90 metres
- (djupGaende) Draft: 1.20 metres
- (varv) Shipyard: South Boats
- (byggAr) Year built: 2007
- (batTyp) Vessel type: Katamaran
- (materialSkrov) Hull material: Plastic
- (hemort) Home port: Göteborg
- (byggdForKlass) Built to class: MCA, The Safety of Small Workboats and Pilotboats.
- (passagerare_1) No. of passengers: 8 in area: B
- (maskinForbTim) Consumption: 90 l/hour
- (maskinMarscFart) Cruising speed: 16-18 knots
- (maskinRange) Range: 200
- (huvudmotor)Main engine: 2 Fiat Iveco 388 kW, 935 running hours
- (motorKommentar)Comments: Backslag renoverade dec 2021
- (hjalpMotorer)Auxiliary engine: (portalelement hjalpMotorer tillverkare )Solé (slut portalelement Maskiner)(portalelement hjalpMotorer modellEffekt )6,6 kW (slut portalelement Maskiner)(portalelement hjalpMotorer gangtimmar )932 running hours (slut portalelement Maskiner)slut inre portalelement med 3 element
Navigation equipment
Safety equipment
- (barbarGMDSS_VHF)Portable GMDSS VHF: (portalelement barbarGMDSS_VHF tillverkare )Icom (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)(portalelement barbarGMDSS_VHF modell )GM 1600 E (slut portalelement Sakerhetsutrustning)slut inre portalelement med 2 element
Certificates and documents
All details given in good faith but not guaranteed. Equipment are subject to change or be removed from the vessel.
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